Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's watch some pointless gay softcore porn with dinner, shall we?

We usually eat in front of the boob tube, which is the custom of my family. Tonight my special lady was all about desperate housewives, as usual but not always, but I suggested we watch a film. It was early, we had plenty of time. Do we have anything we haven't seen yet? Yes, indeed, the film adaptation of one of my favorite stories, The House of Usher, but Edgar Allen Poe. Since I began teaching American literature Salinger and Poe have been my clear favorites. I've been sitting on this movie for a while, because it's older (1960), and I usually can't talk the wife into watching older movies with me.

I was a little surprised when I saw the motorcycle because the story takes place in the 18th century. I was further surprised by the terrible acting, because the movie has a 7.0 rating, meaning good. I kept thinking to myself, which one of them is Vincent Price?? Man, he's so young I don't even recognize him! Soon enough I had to yell to my daughter "Don't watch!" My wife remarked, "I don't remember this from the story." That's because it wasn't in the story. She was referring to Victor and Roderick making out. What?!

Oops, I accidentally popped in House of Usher (2008) instead of House of Usher (1960).

1 comment:

Rachel from Oz said...

In moments like that my Mum would yell to put our heads under the rug. We still use the "head under the rug" phrase to this day!