Friday, March 20, 2009

Where do babies come from? The belly button.

Look, it's my baby (a stuffed animal dressed in baby clothes).
Its your baby?
Yeah, it's my baby, I'm her mother.
Oh yeah?
So who's the father?
You my friend.
No, I'm nobody's friend, I'm your father, now who's the baby's father?
No, I'm the baby's mother, and you the baby's father.
Oh, so I'm your husband then?
No, you just my friend.
Well that's inappropriate.

In other news, she's been asking where babies come from. Since she assumed they come out the belly button, we didn't see the harm in agreeing with that. Then she started asking how babies get into mothers' bellies to begin with. I told her God puts them in there with magic. Was that the right thing to say?


Jim Gust said...

I believe the correct answer is, "Ask your mother." It worked for me.

Aras said...

Nope! That was my first answer, didn't work for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey if it works, it works! Kids figure these things out later on at school anyway... so her believing that God is magic in the meantime certainly can't do any harm :-)

Anonymous said...

I tell this story to a friend of mine who has a six and an eight year old and she thought it was hilarious. However, her eight-year-old daughter thought the same thing and recently asked her if she had the scar on her tummy from when she came out of the belly button. My buddy figured that because she was eight and already at school she might as well tell the truth and informed her completely horrified daughter that "no sorry, you didn't come out of my bellybutton, you came out of my front bum."

Aras said...

"front bum?"

You Aussies have such goofy names for things. But besides being goofy it doesn't make any sense at all. Bum is the "polite" version of butt, which means the back end of something. So how can you have a front back? Reminds me of this:

Clerk: They're like kangaroos, but they're reptiles, they is.
Marge: We have them in America. They're called bullfrogs.
Clerk: What? That's an odd name. I'd have called them "chazzwazzers."