Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where have people's brains gone?

This is a continuation of this post on where people's brains have gone.

I thought I was the only one who would threaten my kid for her left handedness(only behind her back of course). It was only a joke, obviously. That is, for me it was only a joke.

My wife noticed special my baby started eating with her right hand a few days ago, and asked her why. She was ordered to do so in kindergarten. This morning I took her in to kindergarten and figured out who had done that and confronted her. She denied it. But my special baby told me once again right in front of the accused that she had definitely told her that she has to eat with her right hand. I went to the principal and lodged a complaint, noting that such "corrections" should have ended along with the Soviet Union. Oddly, that's exactly what my colleague at work said when I told her.

I have the same conclusion I had on the incident linked to above: why don't (insert idiot) use your mouth to discover something before you say something really stupid?


Anonymous said...

My Mum had the same problems with teachers with my brother who's also left-handed. He was forced to learn to write with his right hand and as a result has pretty dodgy handwriting, whereas if he had been allowed to develop his writing skills with his natural left-hand his script would be much nicer.

That being said, being a southpaw in boxing certainly helped. Even if people knew he was a southpaw it still throws them off in the ring. Maybe you should get your special girl to start boxing perhaps?

Liepa said...

Check out:

There are advantages to being left-handed. Daniel Geschwind, a UCLA expert in neurobehavioral genetics, noted that creative fields like music, art, and architecture have more than their share of lefties. That would make sense since this is the same hand used by Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to create their masterpieces. More than a few studies have revealed there is a creative tendency in left-handed kids thus lefties such as Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Ludwig van Beethoven. University College Dublin found that left-handed men earn five per cent more every hour than right-handers. Then of course there may be something to this left-handed President trend. Don't rule out that your lefty may just end up as Commander-in-Chief.

Anonymous said...

'Lefty' in Australia is slang for left-wing, now that could pose a problem.