Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Movie

I believe the first movie I saw in the theater was The Bear with my mother. I don't remember anything about the movie except that it was about a bear. It wasn't even the first movie I guessed at after putting "the bear" into IMDb. (The review of the first one, by Donald Williams, is pretty funny) It's only noteworthy because on Christmas Eve I told my daughter that MamutÄ— took me to my first movie, The Bear. What was it about? A bear. What did he do? Bear stuff, in the woods.

The first movie my daughter saw was A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey as 80% of the characters. In addition to the story of my first movie, I had to explain basically the whole story to her beforehand, because I didn't think she'd get it quickly enough during all the Hollywood action. Too, I had to explain that it's just a movie, and she should close her eyes if she gets scared. And that ghosts are like monsters, they're not real (luckily she didn't ask me about the holy ghost). This was especially important because it's a 3D movie--she did bury her head under my arm several times.

We both liked it very much. She liked "at the end, when the man was nice." I was a little confused seeing the actors in multiple roles; I only knew that Jim Carrey had several of them, I didn't know all the actors did. But the acting was great, I laughed out loud several times. My greatest criticism is that there was too much action at the expense of story, I think. I have to read the story now to be sure.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Word

The four and a half month old just gargled out her first word: "Negalima." I guess she takes after her mother!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What a whiner

Dukra: atspek kokia detale paemiau
Mama: nekelk to zemelapio - iskris viskas
Dukra: nu atspek
Mama: as nezinau
Dukra: oi, viskas iskrito
Mama: as juk sakiau, kad iskris
Dukra: as dabar pykstu ant visu
Mama: kodel ant visu
Dukra: nes jus man nieko nepaaiskinot
Dukra: tada as tik ant taves pykstu
Mama: kodel? as juk sakiau, kad iskris
Dukra: bet nesakei, kad padeti ant stalo atgal reikia
Mama: as maniau turi siek tiek proto ir pati sugalvosi
Dukra: as negalvoju
Mama: isvis negalvoji?
Dukra: niekada negalvoju kai tu esi, galvoju kai taves nera
Mama: ka cia nusisneki?
Dukra: as pykstu ir pykstu ant taves, ir esu pikta ir susiraukus esu
Mama: nu ir buk
Dukra: paziurek i mano veida, kokia susiraukus
Mama: nejuokink
Dukra: tai tu man paaiskink viska ir as nebusiu tada tokia susiraukus
Mama: ka paaiskinti
Dukra: paaiskink ka man reikejo daryti, kad nenukristu tas zemelapis
Mama: reikejo ant stalo padeti
Dukra: dabar ant taves jau maziau pykstu