Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fight Club for Children

From time to time my special baby mentions that somebody hit her in kindergarten. I'm not sure if it's true, because she doesn't get any bruises or anything that aren't probably normal horse-play bruises. I've considered nonetheless teaching her to throw a punch (ironically, since I've never won a fight in my life, but I have won friendly boxing matches). I'm not sure how good an idea it is though. What do you think?


mrdarius said...

i think your special baby might be a little young to learn about violence as a means of self-defense. I'm not entirely against it though. I feel that sometimes words alone won't cut it when you need to stand up for yourself. However, I think those should be rare situations for most responsible people.

I can't stop thinking about the one fight scene in A Christmas Story now...

Also, this post reminded me of a post from the Wall Street Journal blog, The Juggle: Is Spanking Effective for Discipline?

mrdarius said...

forgot to get follow up comments tracked...

Aras said...

Too much anger in the comments, from both sides. Buzz kill.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Start teaching her now. She could be the next Laila Ali.

Anonymous said...

The only reason my father started boxing at a young age was self defence because in a small country town he was often teased for being dark skinned (by way of his Indian mother). Needless to say after he discovered he had a talent for it he was left alone. But he was maybe 11 or 12 when he started, not three!

Anonymous said...

Kids that learn to have confidence and occasionally fight for themselves at an early age will establish respect among their peers and have the luxury of being not having to fight later. Kids who do not are the ones who are featured on Youtube in regular brawls at 15 and 16, trying to establish a place for themselves among their social group. These days, girls tend to fistfight just like boys. If you don't teach your daughter to reach out to her peers and occasionally kick some butt in elementary school, she'll be trading black eyes with her rivals when she's 16.