Sunday, May 18, 2008


At age three years and three months, my special baby knows her ABCs in English. I'm very impressed because as of a month ago she still couldn't get past G, and didn't seem to be making any improvement. That was with my help. This is the result of a half hour Sesame Street called "Do Be Alphabet" according to her, a video I bought that she watches about eight times a month (every day we're in Vilnius, cause it's VHS).


Rachel Croucher said...

That's a pretty good effort, I guess once you get past that barrier it just starts flowing naturally, I distinctly remember one weekend in Germany after I had been there for about four months when all of a sudden instead of speaking just random words I started having conversations. Also, I was reading before I got to school and to this day my mother has no recollection as to how she managed to do so, she reckons she didn't even try that much. So if I ever raise a child or children I will turn to you for advice!

Trashcan said...

hooked on phonics worked for me.