Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dinner Misunderstanding

On the way home from kindergarten we stopped at the store for ice cream because my special baby asked nicely, and was behaving well up until that point. Fish sticks were for dinner, because my special lady was out getting some exercise, and when it's just the two of us I'm not motivated to make anything special, except for buffalo wings from time to time, but only on a weekend. This being a Tuesday, it was fish sticks. Because I'm on a weight loss kick, I baked them instead of frying them, which took a while. Because I was already quite hungry, we had a plate of cheese and olives as an appetizer. When that was finished we had a conversation:

Baby: I want ice cream and Family Guy!
Tete: I told we'll have the ice-cream after dinner, and then we'll watch the Simpsons, okay? (I'm all Family Guyed out lately)
Baby: This [the empty cheese plate] is dinner, so now I want ice cream please and the Simpsons watch!
Tete: No no, Baby, this wasn't dinner, this was just an appetizer, this was sort of a snack before dinner.
Baby: moaaaaaaaaaaan............


Trashcan said...

sounds to me like you're at fault for tricking her. You told she could have ice cream after dinner, than brought out a plate of food which she dillegently ate, only to turn around and say that didn't count as dinner.

Although it is a little suprising to me that even a baby could find cheese and olives fulfilling.

Aras said...

she didn't find them fulfilling, she just wanted her ice cream now now now. once i brought the actual dinner she ate enough of it to satisfy me, and i always make sure she eats all her vegetables.