Monday, March 11, 2013


We played Monopoly with #1 for the first time ever. Here are my properties after the first time around the board. As usual, I won. And as always, somebody cried. 

Although the box says 8+, I think you need to be a pretty patient 8 year old with an understanding of value to enjoy it through to the end. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Apron Styling

Made some banana bread with the kid, she goes "Čia Močiutei?" (This is for Grandma?)

Her job was to mix in the flour at the end, so she had to hold the wooden spoon for an extended period. Each time she dropped she yelled "Nesulaužiau!" (I didn't break it)

When I finally got the flour out she said "What's this?" Flour. "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

She finally mixed if for a minute and her hand got tired. That's fine, do you wanna grease the pans? "No. Bet aš vistiek gražiai atrodau." (But I look nice anyway) Sure you do. Wait is that why you said you wanna help me, just so you can put on your apron? "Yes."