Friday, February 27, 2009

Dinner Plans

Tėtė: What should I make for diner tonight?
She: Bread.
Tėtė: What kind of bread?
She: Bread that you can eat?
Tėtė: There's lots of different kinds of bread, which one do you want?
She: Mmm...maybe nachos?
Tėtė: We had nachos for dinner last night!
She: We did?
Tėtė: Yes!
She: We eat nachos?
Tėtė: Yes, we're not going to have them again. What else do you want for dinner?
She: I said nachos!
Tėtė: I said no nachos, what's your next choice?
She: Um...nachos I said.
Tėtė: What's your next choice, besides nachos?
She: Chips.
Tėtė: Chips are nachos, choose something else!
She: I said nachos.
Tėtė: Something else! Not nachos!
She: I don't know.
Tėtė: You better choose something or you're going to get something you don't like.
She: I don't know.
Tėtė: Alright, then it's gonna be spinach and tomatos. Spicy spinach and tomatos.
She: Why?!
Tėtė: Because you're not tellin me what you want.
She: I uh can make this...tomatos...and this can make uh...meat...and tomato.
Tėtė: You like tomatos now?!
She: I like tomatos, and I like meat and boccali.
Tėtė: What kind of meat?
She: [sigh] Like we eat last night.
Tėtė: We had nachos last night, there was no meat.
She: No, not nachos...I talking...I'm talking about meat! Like last night, but not now last night, last night!
Tėtė: Yeah, last night was nachos, are you talking about another night?
She: No, about meat! Like long long long time we eat meat.
Tėtė: A long time ago?
She: Yea.
Tėtė: In a galaxy far, far away?
She: No-oh!

Monday, February 23, 2009

That's how I was raised and I turned out TV

Ironically, I've been the one limiting television time in my family. I have to do this because whenever my kid wakes up, or gets home, or sees me come home, she immediately says "I wanna watch..." and then thinks about what she should ask for. I don't know if she's strategically asking for sometime I'm more likely to be interested in myself (increasing her chances of getting a Yes), but lately her favorate TV show is "Rested Deaf Elephant."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gift Ideas

For her birthday this year my kid and I signed my wife up for Pregnant Lady Training. It’s an exercise program for pregnant woman that teaches them basic, low intensity exercises that are safe and good for them. Their husbands can participate too. My deputy is also pregnant; she has just one week of work left before going on sick leave, so they’ll work out when they can both go together (my deputy’s husband lives in Italy, so it’ll be fun if they can go together). As I understand it six weeks before you’re due you go on state sponsored “sick leave,” and as soon as you give birth either you or your husband goes on state sponsored “maternity/paternity leave.” (Actually you both go on leave for one month, and then one of you stays on leave for two years with pay, and an additional year without pay)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

When will the "r"s begin?

"What we gonna have for dinner, Tete?"
"Dirty Rice."
"Doody rice?"
"No, 'Dirty!'"
"Doody? We gonna eat doody?"
"No no no, 'doody' means 'poopy!' We're going to eat 'Dirty Rice!'"
"We not gonna eat 'doody,' we gonna eat 'doody??'"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where have people's brains gone?

This is a continuation of this post on where people's brains have gone.

I thought I was the only one who would threaten my kid for her left handedness(only behind her back of course). It was only a joke, obviously. That is, for me it was only a joke.

My wife noticed special my baby started eating with her right hand a few days ago, and asked her why. She was ordered to do so in kindergarten. This morning I took her in to kindergarten and figured out who had done that and confronted her. She denied it. But my special baby told me once again right in front of the accused that she had definitely told her that she has to eat with her right hand. I went to the principal and lodged a complaint, noting that such "corrections" should have ended along with the Soviet Union. Oddly, that's exactly what my colleague at work said when I told her.

I have the same conclusion I had on the incident linked to above: why don't (insert idiot) use your mouth to discover something before you say something really stupid?